The origin of the abbreviation is the subject of much debate and posturing amongst the American Acronym Community (AAC). While most historians commonly attribute it to Strunk and White’s seminal The Elements of Style , there is no textual evidence of the abbreviation in the book. Messrs. William Strunk Jr. and Elwyn Brooks White hint at its meaning and later use, but the actual abbreviation does not appear in any of the guide’s 105 pages. Text message and Twitter culture has led to an increased emphasis on concise and condensed, and more easily digestible language . Some note that this practice originated in the era of telegrams, which charged by the character and predicted modern shorthand (see: the 1890 wire that substitutes “gm” for “good morning”). The particular abbreviation to which I refer is the Unified Field Theory of brevity; encapsulating two hundred years of succinct proofreading in only four simple characters. An increasing number of sc...
Over-caffeinated and underpaid. Go America. Go Dodgers.