The Parable of the Great Samaritan A man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when thieves robbed him, attacked him and left him for dead. First, a priest came down the road, but he passed by and kept riding. Then came a Levite, who also walked away without helping the man. Then came a Samaritan, who took pity and showed him mercy. He said, “My friend, let us find the evil men who did this to you.” “The robbers?” “Oh no. We’re never going to catch them. And besides, they’re probably poor, disenfranchised men who are just trying to provide for their families. I mean the Levite and the Priest. We can make an example out of those wealthy, privileged, blind-eye-turners.” So they hunted down and found the Levite and the Priest in their respective hometowns and publicly shamed them. “Why could you not be bothered to help? Do you lack basic human decency?” Those two would forever be remembered as the lazy, self-interested men who would not help their
Over-caffeinated and underpaid. Go America. Go Dodgers.