Guys, we need to have a serious conversation about this current atrocity. After the horrific events that occurred on Wednesday, I sat down and posted an eloquent and well thought out response. I was able to mourn while also forcing us to confront the real reasons behind it. By sharing a personal anecdote, I connected myself to the tragedy in order to show that we aren’t so far removed from what we see on the news. We all live in the same world and we need to take ownership of that fact. As it stands, it currently only has six likes. Six. This is unacceptable. Dakota Baker posted a meme of an inspirational JFK quote and it has over 47 likes. Sandra Gutierrez simply posted “When will this country finally say ‘Enough is enough?’” And she’s getting comments like “^^^THIS!” and “Amen” and “Can’t agree more!” Four people even clicked “Share.” Are you serious? There’s no substance to that post. What is there even to share? I mean, the picture I posted on F...
Over-caffeinated and underpaid. Go America. Go Dodgers.