“Star Wars” Screenwriter: George Lucas Page count: 127pgs Genre: Science Fiction Draft date: November 29, 1974 Logline: After discovering that his father was a legendary warrior, a farm boy becomes entangled in an intergalactic civil war. Comments: STAR WARS is a fairly conventional story that isn’t quite unique enough to stand out from the other sci-fi properties. It’s nothing more than the classic Hero’s Journey set against the backdrop of outer space. The writer’s feeble attempt at world building merely consists of name-dropping extraneous alien species, spacecraft and weapons . There is no real substance or original ideas in STAR WARS, leading to a decent if forgettable read. PLOT While the act structure is serviceable and hits the requisite beats, the plot is fairly standard, going from station to station (sometimes literally). After a text-heavy exposition dump at the top, we move into an alien world featuring a ...
Over-caffeinated and underpaid. Go America. Go Dodgers.