Tonight, I'm going to write about a conundrum that has been haunting me lately. It's a little paradoxical, a little contradictory, but I hope that you'll understand. Now, let's start with the given facts: I, Max G. Davison, am a heat seeking, straight shooting, VERY heterosexual bachelor. I love the ladies like a fat kid loves candy. I love women like a lion loves mammal flesh. I love females like Carl Weathers loves stew (hopefully Arrested fans will pick up on that one). I enjoy slabs of undercooked red meat. John Wayne is a hero of mine. I vote Republican. Basically, anything that's straight is a-okay with me.
So, seeing as I like women and all that...

Why do I listen to such an effeminate singer?
Even as I sit here, writing this entry and affirmation of my heterosity, I've got 'Angels' playing on my iPod. It's music that is so undeniably feminine....but it's also pretty damn catchy. If you're not familiar with the song, I recommend you download it immediately from MyTunes.
SPEAKING of which...I want to know who these 5 people are who look up everyone's songs on the MyTunes network so that I can't. I can just see 5 idiots up at 12:01, connecting to every playlist that they can find. Beware, you five sons of bitches. I'm on to you. Your fiendish plot will be vanquished soon enough.
Anyhoo, look up Robbie on . Yup. He's a very pretty man. I'll admit it. Pretty.
So why do I listen to Robbie Williams? I have no answer. But if you question my taste, I'll pose this question to you: I dare you to download 'Rock DJ' or 'Tripping' and try not singing along.
Hope everything's going well with everyone. Especially David Delgado, who is pushing me to starvation slowly but surely. Of course, today he had a pretty good reason for not updating *wink wink nudge nudge* *fake punches david in the gut and calls him a cad*
Anyhoo, here's a Simpsons quote that Marco and I were laughing at yesterday:
Homer: They're embarrassing me. They're embarrassing America. They turned the Navy into a floating joke. They ruined all our best names like Bruce, and Lance, and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had! Now they're just, uh...
John: Queer?
Homer: Yeah, and that's another thing! I resent you people using that word. That's our word for making fun of you! We need it!!
So, seeing as I like women and all that...
Why do I listen to such an effeminate singer?
Even as I sit here, writing this entry and affirmation of my heterosity, I've got 'Angels' playing on my iPod. It's music that is so undeniably feminine....but it's also pretty damn catchy. If you're not familiar with the song, I recommend you download it immediately from MyTunes.
SPEAKING of which...I want to know who these 5 people are who look up everyone's songs on the MyTunes network so that I can't. I can just see 5 idiots up at 12:01, connecting to every playlist that they can find. Beware, you five sons of bitches. I'm on to you. Your fiendish plot will be vanquished soon enough.
Anyhoo, look up Robbie on . Yup. He's a very pretty man. I'll admit it. Pretty.
So why do I listen to Robbie Williams? I have no answer. But if you question my taste, I'll pose this question to you: I dare you to download 'Rock DJ' or 'Tripping' and try not singing along.
Hope everything's going well with everyone. Especially David Delgado, who is pushing me to starvation slowly but surely. Of course, today he had a pretty good reason for not updating *wink wink nudge nudge* *fake punches david in the gut and calls him a cad*
Anyhoo, here's a Simpsons quote that Marco and I were laughing at yesterday:
Homer: They're embarrassing me. They're embarrassing America. They turned the Navy into a floating joke. They ruined all our best names like Bruce, and Lance, and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had! Now they're just, uh...
John: Queer?
Homer: Yeah, and that's another thing! I resent you people using that word. That's our word for making fun of you! We need it!!