Yeah. It's been a while since the last entry. At least I'm still managing to outperform David Delgado . My non-denominational Holiday break was composed of much celebration of a religious manner as well as my own personal church, the First Congregation of NetFlix. The tone was similar to one of those days when you were sick in Middle School. You had to wait until 3:30 when school got out to call a friend and get the homework assignment, and due to your illness you couldn't logically do anything physical. So you sat down on the couch with a glass of Sprite and watched tons of crappy daytime TV (read: The View, Katie Couric and whatever local morning news was on). Well, the years have gone by and that glass of Sprite has been replaced with Sierra Mist and crappy daytime TV (which, in fact, is still crappy and full of women that I can't stand *cough* Star Jones you will always be fat to me *cough*) is now composed of my NetFlix queue and episodes of Best Week Ever on...
Over-caffeinated and underpaid. Go America. Go Dodgers.