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So I lied about the title. So sue me.

A new feature to this blog will be the annual award for "Outstanding achievement in his or his field without getting the proper respect from the public." A bit of a long award name, but I'll make a big enough trophy to fit every last character. Anyhoo...

The first runner up for this pretigious award is none other than Mr. Stedman Graham.

Why does Stedman seem familiar to you? Well, the man is an accomplished author, motivational speaker and he played collegiate basketball. He founded the non-profit organization "Athletes Against Drugs" and has published such books as "You Can Make It Happen Every Day" and "The Ultimate Guide to Sport Event Management & Marketing." He is an accomplished man and philanthropist.
But this means nothing to the general public.
If anyone knows Stedman, it's as Oprah's boyfriend. He is only known to the world as "that dude who's never going to marry her." He will forever be second to the planet formely known as Oprah. And for that reason, Stedman is the first runner up.

The winner? Well, seeing as I'm such a damn Republican, the award just HAS to go to a racecar driver, doesn't it?

Dan Wheldon

A little background info before I go into how deserving a recipient Mr. Wheldon is. Born in Emberton, England in 1978, he moved to the United States in 1999. He raced on the IRL circuit before joining the Andretti Green Racing team in 2003.
Dan Wheldon had probably the best year of any Indy car driver. He won the IRL series championship in addition to 4 other victories. A little known fact to many is that in 2005, he won a little race that I like to call the Indy 500. Yes. THAT Indy 500. Maybe you've heard of it? He won the biggest race of the year and drank milk from that cherished cup.
And why did this happen? Because the damn liberal media/politically correct bastards at ESPN decided to focus entirely on IRL rookie Danica Patrick. Sure, she lead the race for 19 laps. Sure that's pretty good for a rookie. But she also FINISHED FOURTH. They don't even give medals for fourth place at the Olympics. A bronze medal is scoffed at nowadays, so what does that make fourth place?
The fact remains that just because she had bigger breasts than Dan Wheldon (And just barely) that she got all of the media attention and appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated. She got the attention since our PC world wants a woman to succeed so badly that it will shun the actual winner to put the camera on the cute female in the field of 33.

So, Dan Wheldon, even though the world ignored your historic victory, I did not. And that is why you are the least appreciated man in the world. Congrats...I think.


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