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12 August 2007 - A New Beginning

Holy crap, it's been forever since I've updated this thing! But I've finally decided to follow in the footsteps of my literary heroes, Creed Bratton, Katherine Spada, and Bob Loblaw, and go back to my blogging ways.
My last post was back during finals week and apparently I was overwhelmed by stress since I was trying to find patterns in Ace of Base songs. Well, May 2007 was a long time ago. I was still living in the United States. The Dodgers were in first place. And Lindsay Lohan was simply just a party girl slut...not a felon.

So why have I decided to start blogging again? I realized that I'm depriving the masses of all of my assorted witicisms and Simpsons references that only myself and Noah will get.
Also, a big change has occurred recently. I'm studying abroad in Auckland, New Zealand. To many, New Zealand only represents Hobbits and those crappy purple countries in "Risk" that only get you 2 extra armies at the beginning of each turn. So I thought that it would be a good idea to share all of my Kiwi-speriences.
I THOUGHT that I had found the perfect outlet for this in CAFEABROAD.COM (NOTE: DO NOT VISIT THIS PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A WEBSITE. HONESTLY, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MY REASONS FOR BOYCOTT LATER ON). I would have the position of a "Travel Journalist." I would write two articles a week about what I'm doing in Auckland. Essentially, I'd be getting paid to blog. But life is never that easy. I sent in two of my best writing samples from my days at the ASCMC Forum. My references were stellar (Big shout out to Assistant Regional Manager Andrew Carrillo). And thanks to the good people at the Career Services center, my resume was awesome.
Nearly a month after I sent in my application, I got a response. "Dan Schwartzman" from Cafe Abroad (now #78 in my Enemies List) told me that "we have determined not to hire a travel journalist in your city." But he DID, however, offer me the position of regional representative! I would sell advertising space, write a travel guide, and contribute articles to the website. All for an unpaid internship. Yup. Same job, no pay.
Dan Schwartzman is trying to get something for nothing. Apparently he was never instructed that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Time to teach him that he needs to swipe his card at the dining hall of life.
Due to his incompetance, I will launch my campaign to crush his puny website as well as positing all of my Study Abroad articles on my blog. For free. While I'm not going to compare my protest to the civil rights movement, I won't argue if anyone else does.

So stay tuned for a semester's worth of intrigue. Spoiler alert, it will include bungy jumping, zorbing, skiing, clubbing, swimming with dolphins, glacier hiking, kayaking, and spreading my unique brand of awesomeness to another country or two.


That's what she said of the day:
(At yoga class, referring to a pose)
I know that this is a hard one, but just hold it a little longer and you'll be plesantly surprised with how comfortable it feels.


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