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16 September 2007 - The Juice

Sorry for not updating with greater frequency. But I have an excuse. Recently, I've come down with a bad case of laziness. Yes. Laziness. If alcoholism can be considered a disease, so can laziness. I'm going to petition the AMA to accept my condition as a medical disease, similar to Gymnophobia. I know that there are at least dozens of us with this problem. DOZENS!!!

So I've decided to take a slight hiatus from writing about the trip of my lifetime to talk about an issue that's very important to me.
Recently, one Orenthal James Simpson has come under scrutiny for allegedly breaking into a room at the Palace Station Casino and robbing it.
Did he do it? I'm reserving judgement. Because even though ALL the evidence might show that OJ grabbed the loot and ran out of the hotel like he was bolting through an airport, this could very well be another attempt by The Man to frame an innocent black man.

Not gonna lie, I was rooting against OJ during the Trial of the Century. I was positive that we were going to get a guilty verdict. But what did I know? He was innocent all along.
And I'm tired of being on the losing side. So I'm going to support the Juice during these horrendous allegations.
I'm going to take a page from Tropicana's marketing team and scream "FREE OJ" until he's exonerated. You can beat this rap, Juice. And if they do find you guilty, at least it won't be for a double life sentence. So you've got that going for you.


Vernon Davis Fun Fact of the Day:
Vernon can punch a diamond so hard that it turns back into a hunk of charcoal.


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