Today I cannot continue spilling my blueprints for future tycoonery, since I have been stricken by what can only be described as "Sexual Innuendo Overload" (Sidebar: In your endo).
The source of which is an online conversation with a friend of mine that occurred last night between the hours of 1am and 2am Auckland time.
The subject of said discourse is Ben's recent problem with his "ethernet cord," but we all know what that euphemism is.
BF: Well, earlier in the semester I was watching something in bed
MD: Cinemax?
BF: And I tried to pull the ethernet cord closer to me
BF: And I pulled the laptop and the ethernet cord came out
MD: No way!
BF: and it went all over the place
BF: And so now the little springy things that are supposed to hold them in came out
BF: And so it doesn’t stay in that well
Normally, I'm able to say "That's what she said" and move on with my erudite pursuits. But for the past 23 and a half hours, I can't stop giggling like Beavis and Butthead. I mean, when the innuendo concentration exceeds four per line, I shut down. I can't think, I can't walk straight and I can't contribute anything to society, just like Brad Lidge after getting rocked by Pujols in the NLCS.
This sort of sophomoric coma normally wears off after a day, so I'm going to be fine in the time it takes to watch the new Californication.
I'd give a Dave Barry/24 minute by minute recap of Heroes, except that it's impossible since I fast forwarded through most of it. While I'm loving the new black family on "Curb," I could care less about Monica, the fast food waitress with bad grammar who can mimic actions. Ali Larter isn't hot enough to care about. And if we've learned one thing from this week's episode, it's that Veronica Mars still can't act.
I'm also at that point where I'm positive as to the direction the show's taking and I have to wait another 5 weeks until Heroes catches up. Spoiler alert, I'm pretty sure that Hiro's hero Takezo Kensei is the one who's killing the George Takeis of the world. And the secret scroll that Ando found is probably going to reveal this minute too late.
You heard it here first.
And on the hair cut front, I still haven't made an appointment down here. But I figure that if I buy a headband and white shorts, I can pull off this look for Halloween:

Death to the infidels,
The source of which is an online conversation with a friend of mine that occurred last night between the hours of 1am and 2am Auckland time.
The subject of said discourse is Ben's recent problem with his "ethernet cord," but we all know what that euphemism is.
BF: Well, earlier in the semester I was watching something in bed
MD: Cinemax?
BF: And I tried to pull the ethernet cord closer to me
BF: And I pulled the laptop and the ethernet cord came out
MD: No way!
BF: and it went all over the place
BF: And so now the little springy things that are supposed to hold them in came out
BF: And so it doesn’t stay in that well
Normally, I'm able to say "That's what she said" and move on with my erudite pursuits. But for the past 23 and a half hours, I can't stop giggling like Beavis and Butthead. I mean, when the innuendo concentration exceeds four per line, I shut down. I can't think, I can't walk straight and I can't contribute anything to society, just like Brad Lidge after getting rocked by Pujols in the NLCS.
This sort of sophomoric coma normally wears off after a day, so I'm going to be fine in the time it takes to watch the new Californication.
I'd give a Dave Barry/24 minute by minute recap of Heroes, except that it's impossible since I fast forwarded through most of it. While I'm loving the new black family on "Curb," I could care less about Monica, the fast food waitress with bad grammar who can mimic actions. Ali Larter isn't hot enough to care about. And if we've learned one thing from this week's episode, it's that Veronica Mars still can't act.
I'm also at that point where I'm positive as to the direction the show's taking and I have to wait another 5 weeks until Heroes catches up. Spoiler alert, I'm pretty sure that Hiro's hero Takezo Kensei is the one who's killing the George Takeis of the world. And the secret scroll that Ando found is probably going to reveal this minute too late.
You heard it here first.
And on the hair cut front, I still haven't made an appointment down here. But I figure that if I buy a headband and white shorts, I can pull off this look for Halloween:
Death to the infidels,