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3 October 2007 - I'll take Carrie Underwood for $400, Alex.

Well, my droogs, my favorite cereal in the world, Kellogg's Crunchy Nut Clusters was on sale today at the supermarket. There's no better feeling when you can buy two boxes of cereal, go through one in a single sitting and still feel as though you're packing on pounds of profit. Now if only Nutella made a breakfast cereal...

I haven't mentioned this to many people, but I took the Jeopardy College Test last Friday. Even before I made "the list," Jeopardy had always been a life goal. I'm a total Trebekkie and I'm proud of it. Probably my earliest memory is watching Jeopardy at our house in Studio City. Every single night at 7pm our TV would be tuned to ABC 7. When I look back on those days, I find it both comforting and a little embarrassing that the longest running tradition in our household revolves around a game show. Also, when looking back on Alex Trebek's facial hair, I find it really strange to see him with a moustache. He's only been clean shaven for about the past four years, but I've grown accustomed to his bare Canadian upper lip.
I mean, just look at this photo and ask yourself, Who does this guy think he is?

"I'm Keith Hernandez."

But I took the test, which was 50 questions long. Although I tried, I couldn't really keep track of every Q they asked. But I think that I answered close to about 44 correct. I had no clue which explorer discovered Albany (Hudson) or who Thesus' wife was (Andromeda). But I did know that Jimmy Smits played Bobby Simone and that Moe Syzlak is the bartender on the Simpsons. I haven't heard back from the producers, which probably means that like Dodger fans everywhere, I'll have to wait for next year.
Or maybe not. Maybe next spring, I'll be standing at the podium in my new CMC sweatshirt as Johnny Gilbert announces "A Junior from Claremont McKenna College. 5 foot 10 inches, 185 pounds of pure man. Originally from Los Angeles, CA. He is the Dancing Destroyer...the King of Sting...the Master of Disaster...The Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah...the People's Champion...the Count of Monte Fisto. MAX DAVISON."
Yep. Keep your eyes peeled for that. Sorry, I mean "What is" keep your eyes peeled for that. Gotta get into top Jeopardy form.

Max Davison is currently abroad in Auckland, New Zealand. He was once the frontman for a little known band called the “Foregone Conclusion.” He was a lyrics man mainly, but he music came naturally. At one point, they were supported by a little outfit out of Scotland called “Texas.” He currently manages the Slough branch of Wernham-Hogg.


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