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Nothing changes New Years Day...

Wow. Long time no blog. Lots to catch up on. But let's start with the occasion at hand: This is my first post of the year of our lord 2006. I just got back from a little shindig and decided to blog. This can be looked at in two fashions: either pathetic on my part or lucky for you, the reader. Hopefully you will consider the latter.
In honor of this new year, which I have unofficially dubbed "The best year ever," I have decided to list a few of my resolutions. So without further Apu...
Things that I wish to accomplish this year
by Max "The Yellow Dart" Davison
1. Read more. I always seem to put this on my list, and although I do succeed in turning more pages, I could always do so to a greater degree of intensity.
2. Stop using Bono/U2 so much in my jokes. If you've hung around me enough during the first semester, you've probably gotten sick of the constant "What would Bono think?" lines uttered from my mouth. I apologize and promise to now make fun of Rick Springfield, The Darkness, Public Enemy, and the Dave Clark Five. It will be a more eclectic mix of mockery.
3. Find true love. Moving on...
4. 8x8. My In-n-Out quest must continue in '06.
5. Bench 275. A realistic goal.
6. Stop Procrastinating. Yeah. Like that's gonna happen.
7. Always be doing something. Too many idle moments have passed in my life.

And so ends part one of the new years blog entry. Stay tuned, for the next part, entitled "Even more underappreciated folk" is coming in about 5 minutes!


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